
Monday, March 12, 2018

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Misc.  I have been considering how to get photo albums and other family info passed on to my 2 children.  I use the internet for research quite a bit and this time around I looked at NM court sites and input their names.

Unfortunately I got back a good deal of information regarding the 2 children, none good info so I decided to not bother with having the family documents/photos forwarded upon my death.  They have never been in my will so nothing has to be changed there. 

I noted that my former wife had only one mention in the county records, a fairly recent parking ticket which was dismissed.  Good for her!

(The name Charles Ernest Harris is a family name started by a great grandfather, a generation was skipped, then my father had it and I had it also, being tagged as CEHll, which with the skipped naming is actually incorrect as I should simply have been CEHl and not CEHll.  So my son ended up as CEHlll and he is a disgrace to what little family there is left)


See also sister's info at: